How To Make Money with YouTube and Adsense

Step by Step Tutorial on How To Make Money with YouTube and Adsense

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Getting Started

1.  First things First!  Getting Started means that you have to already register for YouTube and Adsense.  That is the most basic thing to do.  We are not going to waste each other's time with this point.  If you get stuck, just search for videos on YouTube.

2.  Have a Camera readily available.  When starting out, get a cheap somewhere.  Get your Dad to buy one for a few bucks. 

3.  Make Videos and Upload them on YouTube.  Upload video tutorials.  Upload Videos about Current Events.  If you have a musical talent, record yourself and upload it onto to YouTube.  If you can make a musical cover, upload that too.  Even if you sing Off-Key (like me) upload that too.  It may make someone's day because they will fall to the ground laughing.

4.  Sub for Sub.  You need a large number of people subscribing to your YouTube channel.  Send people e-mails, sub people and eventually people will subscribe to your channel.   

5.  Add A Friend.  If you see a video that you like, add them as a friend.  This is another way to grow your channel.

6.  Comment.  Try to comment on videos as much as possible; be positive, encouraging and creative.  Most people, out of the goodness of their heart will return the favor. 

7.  Be Patient.  Remember that you will not make money overnight.  It takes patience and perseverence.  Don't be discouraged if the only hits you get on your videos are only your views.  Don't be frustrated.  Just wait, and keep making more videos.  Eventually, you will capture someone people's attention.   

Friday, October 7, 2011

You probably landed on this channel because you are looking to make extra cash on the side with YouTube and Adsense.  

If someone told you that you could make a lot of money with YouTube and Adsense easily overnight, don't listen to them.  They are trying to Scam You.  The truth is that it takes a lot of hard work, patience and some creativity.

Don't quit your day job just yet.  Committ a few hours each day with YouTube and Adsense.  Millions and Billions of dollars are passed on the internet.  Wouldn't it be nice just to have a little chunk of it.

On this site, I will share with you all the things I have learned with YouTube and Adsense over the years.  And I want to give it to you for FREE.  On this site, you will gain my experiences.  You will learn what works and what doesn't.  You will receive a wealth of information.  

Why would I want to make this site if it is for free?  Well, I don't want to take your money.  I just want to get money that is readily available by those who are willing to put up money for advertising.

Essentially, making money with YouTube and Adsense is through Advertising.  Large companies are given away money for advertising so that they could draw attention to their business.  That is how we will make our money.